Monday, May 24, 2010

Xeno purchases $3700 statue for $25 at garage sale?

Photo: Sells Bust Bronze - AUTORITRATTO V. GEMITO - XIXth centurySells Bust Bronze - AUTORITRATTO V. GEMITO - XIXth century: 3,000 EUR (3,727 USD)


Sells bust AUTORITRATTO V. GEMITO bronze XIXth century bust, possibility of delivery to discuss: 3,000 EUR (3,727 USD) by unit. Country of origin: Italy. Perfect state. Height: 420 mm. Quantity: 1.Photo: Sells Bust Bronze - AUTORITRATTO V. GEMITO - XIXth century

I purchased a bronze statue today at a garage sale for $25.  The house having the sale must have been at least a million dollar home given the location by the beach in San Francisco. I didn't know who Gemito was when I purchased it. I figured he was the god of blueberries or something.

It turns out he was an Italian artist. I'm sure mine is a reproduction ... or is it?

A bit of Googling later ... yes, a copy sells for $75 on ebay. Now I know that this is a bust of Neptune by Vincenzo Gemito.
Neptune (Latin: Neptūnus) is the god of water and the sea[1] in Roman mythology, a brother of Jupiter and Pluto. He is analogous with but not identical to the god Poseidon of Greek mythology, and is imaged often according to Hellenistic canons in the Roman mosaics of north Africa.[2] The Roman conception of Neptune owed a great deal to the Etruscan god Nethuns.[3]

I bought a bust of Neptune from a house by the sea. Saved $50 and got some art for me.

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