Thursday, November 16, 2006

Searching for ‘our alien origins’

In July 2001, a mysterious red rain started falling over a large area of southern India. _42312744_planet_bbc_203.jpgLocals believed that it foretold the end of the world, though the official explanation was that it was desert dust that had blown over from Arabia. But one scientist in the area, Dr Godfrey Louis, was convinced there was something much more unusual going on.

Not only did Dr Louis discover that there were tiny biological cells present, but because they did not appear to contain DNA, the essential component of all life on Earth, he reasoned they must be alien lifeforms.

"This staggering claim is that this is possibly extraterrestrial. That is a big claim I know, but all the experiments are supporting this claim," said Dr Louis. His remarkable work has set in motion a chain of events with scientists around the world debating the origin of these mysterious cells.

The main reason why Dr Louis's ideas have not been immediately laughed out of court is because they tie in with a theory promoted by two UK scientists ever since the 1960s.

Space qualified

The late Sir Fred Hoyle and Professor Chandra Wickramasinghe have been the champions of "Panspermia", the idea that life on Earth originated on another planet. They speculate that life was first brought here on the back of a comet. Over the last decade, Panspermia is being taken ever more seriously. - bbc

Bacteria seem to me to be born space travellers

Prof Chandra Wickramasinghe

As I said years ago, "If bacteria from comets are the true source of life on Earth and if the evolution of bacteria to 'higher' forms over billions of years resulted in human life, then we are all 'extraterrestrial' results of a massive bacterial infection of outer space! This idea is almost too funny to be wrong." - Xeno on Panspermia.

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