Friday, April 21, 2006

Private: Give it up: Cold Turkey.

So, I fell in love again. That's good. I'm grateful for the three months we spent together. What a fun romance! She was fantastic and I'd do it all again, even though it hurts like hell right now. me2.14.06.jpgI remember the line from Herold and Maude, "Go and love some more." I like that. Good plan. It may take a few years.
Meanwhile: More exercise, more music, get enough sleep, meditate, cultivate friendships, and so on.

While hiking and camping out yesterday I woke up early to the sun on my face. In my dream was a voice, the last thing I heard as I woke up was, "And you should work on your ego too."

Yes, I guess I should. Most people should. Humility, courage, trust. They are all lifetime efforts.

Wow, giving up additions (love, sex, drugs, sugar, gambling, whatever) is really difficult. I must be addicted to love. I'm noticing myself suffering very much right now. Missing her so badly. It feels like it will never end. My plans with friends for the evening fell through, so now I have to face myself and the heartache alone. I think I'll go out and see a band or something. If you know of cool happenings in Davis / Sacramento, email me. The Crest Theatre usually has some good movies. I'll post pics from whatever I find to do tonight.

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