Friday, July 1, 2005

Endangered Giant Catfish Confirmed Caught. Then eaten.

(ems | cnn ) Endangered Giant Catfish Confirmed Caught. Then eaten.

"Fishermen in northern Thailand have netted a fish as big as a grizzly bear, a 646.2-pound Mekong giant catfish, ( 8.9 feet long) the heaviest recorded since Thai officials started keeping records in 1981. The behemoth was caught in the Mekong River and may be the largest freshwater fish ever found.


... Dr. Zeb Hogan, a WWF Conservation Science fellow and leader of a new World Wildlife Fund (WWF) and National Geographic Society project to identify and study all freshwater fish over 6 feet long or 200 pounds. "We've now confirmed now that this catfish is the current record holder, an astonishing find."


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